
Rancang bangun Bagian Proses pada Mesin Pencetak Briket dari Serbuk Kayu

Oleh :
Yudika Ariyanto - I8613040 - Fak. KIP

The purpose of this final project is to make briquettes molding machine more practical and cheap. Making this tool serves to facilitate the making briquettes from sawdust and reduce waste sawdust contained in the community. Survey design stage begins with the transmission system of the pressing machine which has been on the market. The next stage is the planning that is covering, design drawings and calculations to determine the components that will be used.The last stageis the process of manufacture and assembly. The result of the design of this briquette making machine uses an electric motor to power 1 hp, with a single v-belt connecting the power of the electric motor pulley to pulley mechanism paired diporos screw conveyor which has proven its safety. A pair of pulleys connected using a belt type "V" type "A - 76". Keywords: briquette-making machines, v-belt, screw conveyor, shaft.