
The Role of a Content Aggregator at PT. Aksara Solopos

Oleh :
Claudia Noventa - C9313018 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This report is written based on the internship at PT. Aksara Solopos starting from
January 20th to March 19th, 2016. The writer did the internship at PT. Aksara Solopos as
a content Aggregator in Solopos.com. Solopos.com is a digital newspaper of daily
newspaper Solopos that serve national and international news.The objective is to share
the experience that the writer got during the internship. This report is intended to
describe the activities of the writer during the internship, especially the role of a content
aggregator in Solopos.com, such as produced news by translating English sources,
monitoring videos, or monitoring social media. This report explained also about the
process when producing news.
There were several problems that the writer faced during the internship. The
problems were the lack of vocabularies, the issue of news, the double of news issue, the
lack of time management, the limited of work equipments, the length of the news, and
the periode of the news. The writer presented solutions of the problems. This report
presented also about the profile of PT. Aksara Solopos.