
Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Bank Sampah Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter di LSM Bank Sampah Maju Bersama

Oleh :
Febri Zaryanto - M3113062 - Fak. MIPA

The waste bank is the concept of collection and sorting of dry waste which has the management of such as banking. The customers can deposit trash can be made from saving that nominal value. But the data processing is still done manually. This research aims to design and implement a web based information system on LSM Bank Sampah Maju Bersama in Penjaringan, North Jakarta.

As for the method  of  research conducted through the preparation phase, phase analysis, design phase, implementation phase, and testing phase. At the stage of designre design database structure used by information systems,  making use case, class diagram, sequence diagram, and also created the display information systems. Then will be forwarded to the creation of a web-based application.

The end result of this research is to produce web-based application program that can provide a clear picture regarding the Bank Sampah Maju Bersama information system which can display information about the payment system and corresponding institutions.

Key Words: Bank Sampah, CodeIgniter, Framework, System Information