
An Analysis Translation Techniques and Quality of Culinary Terms in the Reality Show uS Masterchef Fourth Season Episodes 1-6

Oleh :
Noor Indah Apriliyana - C0310042 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The research studies the culinary terms in the reality show US
MasterChef Fourth Season Episodes 1-6. It is conducted to find out the categories
of culinary terms, the translation techniques, and the impacts of the translation
techniques on the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability.
This research is descriptive qualitative research. The purposive sampling
technique was applied in collecting the data. The data are the words and phrases
containing culinary terms in the dialogue of US MasterChef Fourth Season
Episodes 1-6. There are 162 data which are found in the reality show. The
researcher uses the scores from the raters and respondents to find out the quality
of the translation.
The analysis shows that there are 16 categories of culinary terms. They
are vegetable, flavoring, meat, fish, dairy, liquid, grain, grain products, baking
supplies, legumes and nuts, fruit, food, taste, equipment, technique, and other
The analysis of translation techniques shows that there are 7 single
techniques, 9 couplets, and 1 triplets in translating culinary terms in US
MasterChef Fourth Season Episodes 1-6. They are established equivalent, pure
borrowing, naturalized borrowing, generalization, reduction, transposititon,
discursive creation, established equivalent + naturalized borrowing, established
equivalent + pure borrowing, established equivalent + reduction, established
equivalent + amplification, generalization + pure borrowing, pure borrowing +
amplification, literal translation + amplification, reduction + particularization,
transposition + pure borrowing, and the last one is amplification + pure borrowing
+ naturalized borrowing.
The findings of translation quality shows that 136 data are accurate and
26 data are less accurate. It means that the translation of culinary terms are
accurate. The analysis of the acceptability shows that 127 data are acceptable, 11
data are less acceptable, and 24 data are categorized into unacceptable. It means
that the translation of culinary terms are acceptable.
The technique which produces the large number of accurate translation of
culinary terms is established equivalent. Meanwhile, the techniques which
produces the large number of less accurate translation of culinary terms are
generalization, reduction, discursive creation, and transposition. Established
equivalent is also the most dominant technique which produces acceptable
translation. Meanwhile, the technique which produces the large number of less
acceptable and unacceptable translation is pure borrowing.
Keywords: culinary terms, translation technique, translation quality