
Pengaruh pengembangan agropolitan terhadap peningkatan kehidupan sosial-ekonomi masyarakat Kalibawang, kabupaten kulon Progo, Yogyakarta tahun 2002

Oleh :
Fenty Dinikawati - C0502015 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT In this brief description, I want to review how far role of government is in programming agropolitan in area Kalibawang in terms of social-economic aspect. Development of vision and extension of knowledge on the origin of Kalibawang area are not only estabilished as agropolitan area, but also tried to express my opinion that can be conclued on base exiting reference, especially association with agropolitan and its relevance having effect on development of an area Kalibawang consisting of 4 (four) villages as follows : 1. What agropolitan ? 2. What factors have influenced to the growth agropolitan programme? 3. How the agropolitan increased in both social-economic life of Kalibawang community ? In this paper, I used data analysis method by literature technique and historical method. Some step that be carried out in this study are heuristics, critical method, interpretation, analyzing, and historiography. From information and data on agropolitan, it can be conclueded that agropolitan programme resulting the changing of area characteristics from rural rural into urban area and increase the people income outside subsistence crops. The formation of this agropolitan area bring community’s view follow the given programs governments for realizing development. Realization of agropolitan area is hard working of government, community and all local people of Kalibawang area.