
An analysis of the translation of the text of Quantum Teaching: Orchestrating Students’ Success based on the strategies on sentential level

Oleh :
Sudarto - C1302047 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT The purposes of this thesis are to describe the strategies used in the translated of the text Quantum Teaching Orchestrating Students’ Success and to identify the aspect of readability based on the sentential level. This thesis uses descriptive method and applies the technique of seeking, collecting, classifying and analyzing the data and draws conclusion based on the data analysis. This Thesis takes two kinds of sources of data. The first are documents from an English book entitled Quantum Teaching Orchestrating Students’ Success and its translation Quantum Teaching: memprakktikkan Quantum Learning di ruang-ruang kelas. The second are the informants known as teachers of elementary school. The researcher took purposive sampling on the both data. The documents were taken by criteria of the teaching learning activities including the description about the quantum teaching method. Meanwhile, the different educational background took the criterion of the informants. Then the researcher got 350 sentences as the data analyzed by the three informants. There are two factors used in defining the strategies of translation: the grammatical factor and the semantic factor. The grammatical factor includes two strategies: subtraction and transposition. The semantic factor includes eight strategies: transliteration, adaptation, cultural equivalences, reduction, extension, additional information, deletion and modulation. Furthermore, the aspect of readability is based on two aspects: the words choices and s the sentences structure. The word choices factor is influenced by the new words, the foreign words and the ambiguous words. The sentences structure factor includes the ambiguous sentences, the long sentences, and the complex sentences. The fact says that most of data consist of more than one strategy in the translating process. The three major strategies used in this research are transposition (255 data), subtraction (211 data), and adaptation (185 data). Meanwhile, the aspect of readabilities shows that most of the data are classified as the readable data. There are 346 data or 98, 8% sentences classified as readable data and only 4 data or 1, 14 % sentences classified as unreadable data.