

Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif STAD dan Jigsaw pada Materi Geometri di SMK Kabupaten Kudus Ditinjau dari Keaktifan Belajar Siswa Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

Oleh :
Abdul Hanif - S851208001 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

The aims of this research were to find out: (1) among STAD, Jigsaw and conventional learning model which one best result on better learning achievement, (2) among students with high, average and low learning activeness which students get a better learning achievement, (3) for each learning models (STAD, Jigsaw and conventional learning models) which one result on better learning achievement for students with high, average and low learning activeness, (4) for each level of learning activeness (high, average and low learning activeness) which one result on a better learning achievement when they learn with STAD, Jigsaw and conventional learning model.This research is an experimental research with factorial design of 3x3. The population of this research are all X grade students in all Vocational High School in Kudus.The sample is choosen with stratified cluster random sampling. The samples of the research are 271 students. Instruments used in collecting data are students mathematic achievement test and questionnaire on students activeness in learning mathematic. Based on research result it can be concluded that:(1) Jigsaw learning model resulted on a better learning achievement compared to STAD and conventional learning models, (2) Students with high and average learning activeness had better learning achievement compare to those with low learning activeness and students with high and average learning achievement resulted on the same learning achievement, (3) on each learning models, students with high and average learning activeness had better learning achievement compare to those with low learning activeness, and students with high and average learning activeness had the same learning achievement (4) on each level of learning activeness Jigsaw learning model resulted on better learning achievement compared to STAD and conventional one,  the STAD and conventional learning model had the same learning achievement.

Keywords:  Learning Model, STAD, Jigsaw, Students Learning Activenees in Learning Mathematics, Students Learning Achievement