

Pengaruh Asupan Makanan, Suplementasi Fe dan Asam Folat pada Ibu Hamil Riwayat Kurang Energi Kronis dan Anemia Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin Saat Menyusui

Oleh :
Indah Kusumawati S - S531408024 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Background: Pregnant and breastfeeding women are suseptible to suffer malnutrition. Pregnant women with past history of chronic energy deficiency (CED) have a higher risk 2,76 times to suffer anemia than normal pregnant women. CED and anemia in breastfeeding women are generally caused by malnutrition, poverty, and poor education. Fe and folic acid supplementation is one program to overcome iron deficiency anemia in the pregnant women but the incidence rate of anemia remains high (42,9%). The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of food intake, Fe and folic acid supplementation in pregnant women with history of CED and anemia on hemoglobin level of breastfeeding women. Methods: This research study used analytic observation with cross sectional approach. The purposive sampling was used to choose 42 breastfeeding women with past history of CED and anemia in the third trimester of pregnancy in five public health centers in Boyolali Regency. Data of supplementation and nutrient intake was obtained by interview. Nutritional status was determined using upper arm circumference and body mass index. Hemoglobin level was measured by using cyanmethemoglobin method. Collected data were statiscally analyzed using correlation and multiple regression tests. Results: The majority of breastfeeding women aged 27 years old (64,3%), had low education (83,4%), was unemployee (83,3%) and had low food intake (<70% reccomended dietary allowance) including macro and micro nutrients. Food intake and nutritional status in breastfeeding women negatively affected hemoglobin level (B=-0,005; p=0,040 and B=-0,134; p=0,016 respectively). Fe and folic acid supplementation in pregnant women with CED and anemia significantly influenced hemoglobin level during breastfeeding (B=0,720; p=0,016). Conclusion: Completed supplementation of iron-folic acid in pregnant women with CED and anemia could increase 0,720 g/dL hemoglobin levels during breastfeeding. The supplementation program needs to be evaluated to maintain the quality of maternal health during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Keywords: Food intake, Fe and folic acid supplementation, breastfeeding women, history of CED and anemia, hemoglobin level.