
The Use of Audio-Visual Media in English Classroom and Its Effect on Students’ Participation (A Case Study at SMA N 2 Wonogiri in Academic Year 2015/2016)

Oleh :
Denty Marga Sukma - K2212016 - Fak. KIP

This research investigates the use of audio-visual media in English classroom at SMA N 2 Wonogiri in academic year 2015/2016 and its effect on students’ participation. It is aimed at (1) describing how audio-visual media are used in English classroom; and (2) finding out the effect of the use of audio-visual media on the students’ participation.
The research which was carried out from January to July 2016 uses qualitative case study method. The sources of the data were events, informants and documents. Classroom observation, in-depth interview and document analysis were used to collect the information related to the use of audio-visual media in the eleventh grade of Bahasa program at SMA Negeri 2 Wonogiri and the students’ participation during its learning activities. The data were analyzed using interactive model of qualitative data analysis technique including data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing or verifying.
Based on the observation, interview and document analysis, it can be concluded that audio-visual media are able to stimulate the students’ participation due to the variety of viewpoints contained in such media which lead the students to perform various forms of participation; nevertheless, the good treatment from the students’ learning environment is highly demanded to support them in English learning. This further influences the students to purposely participate in the classroom activities because they unconsciously need to do so. Meanwhile, the important aspects also must be considered, they are: content, duration and topic which are also getting on with other aspects in order to stimulate the students’ participation, such as students’ personal characteristics, students’ discussion partners and teacher’s treatment. The study further indicates that material adjustment also needs to be notable to synchronize the material and the audio-visual media used by the teacher. The students’ participation shown in this research are in the form of confirming teacher’s instruction, commenting to the video, having small discussion, asking teacher to seek the answer and asking teacher to confirm the answer.
The findings imply that the use of audio-visual media in English classroom is effective to stimulate the students’ participation. The positive support from their learning environment is demanded to maximize the use of audio-visual media so that the students are stimulated to show their participation in the teaching and learning activities.
Key words: audio-visual media, students’ participation, effect of audio-visual media