
Evaluasi kinerja perusahaan perbankan sebelum dan sesudah listing di Bursa Efek Jakarta

Oleh :
M. Rinaldy Nugraha - F1302092 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

ABSTRACT The aims of this study Is to examine the banking financial performance before and after listing In Jakarta Stock Exchange and try to find out if there is a significant differences between before and after listing. The sample of this study consists of 25 banking companies listed in Jakarta Stock Exchange. The 25 companies are purposively selected. The CAMEL ( Capital, Asset Quality, Management, Earning And Liquidity) ratio is used to analyze the banking performance. The ratios are CAR, RORA, NPM, ROA, BOPO, CML and LDR. The examination of hypothesis is using wilcoxon signed ranks test and conducted four times of comparison between 2 year before listing and 2 year after listing. The result of data analysis indicate that at level of significant (α=5%) almost entire alternative hypothesis are not accepted, except for Ha1 which measure banking financial performance using CAR ratio at 1 year after listing and Ha6 which using CML ratio at 2 year after listing. Because of many from alternative hypothesis which are not accepted by hence this matter have implication that listing doesn't give significant influences to banking financial performance if measured pursuant to CAR, RORA, BOPO, CML and LDR ratio