
Perancangan Kampanye Sosialisasi Dari Cozmeed Bertema “Are You Stupid Enough To Hike” Melalui Infografis

Oleh :
Vevry Hari Saputro - C0709078 - Fak. Seni Rupa dan Desain


Vevry Hari Saputro. 2016. Campaign is a promotion, communication, or sequential planned message activity which is particularly specific or is used to solve a critical problem, either commercial or non-commercial, including social, cultural, political, and ecological problem. “Are You Stupid Enough To Hike” is a campaign which is intended to bring the informations about mountaineering for mountaineers in form of infographics. The informations are preparation stage, climbing stage, camping stage, and final stage. This is a collaboration campaign with Cozmeed, an outdoor equipment product from Solo, which is popular among the target campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to raise the awareness of the mountaineers to make a proper preparation and preserve the environment of the mountain.  

Keywords:  campaign, mountaineering, environment, visual communication design