

Reciprocal Teaching: A Way to Teach Listening Skill Viewed from Students' Self-Esteem (An Experimental Research of the Tenth Grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)

Oleh :
Aulia Nizmah - S891408004 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research is aimed to reveal whether: (1) Teaching listening using Reciprocal Teaching is more effective than lecturing method; (2) High self-esteem students have better listening skill than low self-esteem students; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ self-esteem in teaching listening.

This experimental research was conducted at the tenth grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya in the academic year of 2015/2016. From three social classes, the researcher took two classes as the sample, namely experimental class which was taught by using Reciprocal Teaching and control class which was taught by using lecturing method. To find out the sample, a cluster random sampling was implemented. Each class was divided into two groups in which each consisted of students who have high self-esteem and those who have low self-esteem. To gain the data, test and questionnaire were used. Those were listening test to find out the score of students’ listening skill and self-esteem questionnaire to find out the score of students’ self-esteem. The data were, then, analyzed by using Multifactor Analysis of Variance ANOVA 2x2 and Tukey Test. Before conducting the ANOVA test, pre-requisite test, normality and homogeneity test, were conducted.

There are some research findings which can be taken: (1) Reciprocal Teaching method is more effective than lecturing method to teach listening; (2) The students with high self-esteem have better listening skill than those having low self-esteem; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ self-esteem in teaching listening.

Based on the results of this research, it implies that Reciprocal Teaching is an effective method in teaching listening to the tenth grade of MAN Model Palangka Raya.

 Keywords: Reciprocal Teaching, Lecturing method, listening skill, self-esteem, experimental study