

Pengaruh Penggunaan Medial Arch Support Terhadap Penurunan Derajat Nyeri, Keseimbangan Statis Dan Activity Daily Living Pada Penderita Plantar Facitis

Oleh :
Dwi Setyawan - S541302031 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


Dwi Setyawan. 2016. Influence of Medial Arch Support For Degrees Of Pain Reduction , Balance Static And Activity Of Daily Living In Plantar Faciitis Patients. THESIS. Principal Advisor: Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr., MPH., MSc, Advisor II: Dr Prof. Dr. Hermanu Joebagio, M.Pd. Master of Family Medicine, Postgraduate Program, Sebelas Maret University.   
Background: The case of plantar factis still happen a lot and the handling of the case has a lot of variety such as the medial arch support, ultrasound therapy, medication, and surgery . The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the medial arch support to reduce in the degree of pain , static balance and activity of daily living in patients with plantar faciitis  Subject and method: The design was Randomized Control Trial ( RCT ). Number of research subjects were 30 subjects and divided into two groups , one group as an experimental group treated medial arch support and one more group as a control group treated with ultrasound ( US ). Data collection technique used documentation study and observation . Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis and statistical significance of the variables were tested by t test with the results shown by the p value Result: there was significant influence use of medial arch support to reduce in the degree of pain , static balance and activity of daily living in patients with plantar faciitis. It was shown with a regression coefficient of -21.58 with R² of 71.4 % and p < 0.001 for a reduction in the degree of pain. In the static equilibrium variable regression coefficient ( b ) of 6.27 with R² of 57.8 % and p < 0.001 . In the daily living activity variables regression coefficient ( b ) of 2.84 with R² of 68.4 % and p < 0.001 Conclusion: the use of medial arch support influence the degree of pain reduction, static balance and activity of daily living in patients with plantar faciitis.  

Keywords: plantar facitis, medial arch support , the degree of pain , static balance , activity of daily living