
Translation of Tour Package and Tourist Attraction Description

Oleh :
Zilla Shilwa Widyatna - C9313064 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The objectives of this report are to describe (1) the internship activities done by the writer as an intern at Pesona Dunia Tour Solo for a month from 25th January to 25th February 2016; (2) the difficulties encountered by the writer during doing those activities; (3) and the strategies to solve those difficulties. There are two kinds of activities done by the writer, namely: main activities and secondary activities. The main activities the writer did were translating an English tour package into Indonesian and translating some English descriptions of tourist attractions into Indonesian. The secondary activities the writer did were telephoning, servicing customers, and sending email, message and fax to customers. The difficulties encountered by the writer in doing the main and secondary activities encompass the difficulties in translating tourism terms, abbreviations, and phrases. The strategies the writer did to solve those difficulties were using online and offline dictionaries, looking for parallel texts and pictures in Google, discussing with the internship partners, and asking to the lecturer to find the appropriate translations.