
Translating Children Story Book at Ganesa Library

Oleh :
Dewi Ratnasari - C9313020 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This internship report was written based on the internship activities done from January, 19th 2016 ? February, 19th 2016 at Ganesa Library, Sukoharjo. The objective of this internship report is to explain the internship activities during the internship at Ganesa Library. The internship activities at Ganesa Library were translating the children story books from English into Indonesian, joining Ganesa English Speaking, guiding storytelling activity, and joining Ganesa Reading Community. There are some rules in translating a children story book at Ganesa Library. The translation that is affixed in the children story book at Ganesa Library is intended to facilitate the children or parents to make them understand the story of the book both in English or Indonesian. The activities did by the writer during Ganesa English Speaking were informal discussion in English and share information among the participants based on the theme. Storytelling activities were playing a movie, reading children story book, teaching English, guiding participants to coloring, singing, or playing games. While Ganesa Reading Community activities were discussion and review book entitled "Tes Kepribadian Remaja Muslim".