
Identifikasi Plasmid cDNA Takizoit Toxoplasma Gondii Isolat Lokal sebagai upaya awal Pencegahan Penyakit Toksoplasmosis

Oleh :
Endang Listyaningsih Suparyanti - 196408101998022001 - Fak. Kedokteran

Abstract: Toxoplasmosis, a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii protozoa, could be dangerous in patients with immuno deficiency and pregnant women. The aimed of this research was to identify plasmid by insert of cDNA tachyzoite Toxoplasma gondii Local isolate. The research started with isolation of total ribonucleic acid and massenger RNA that isolated from tachyzoites grown up in Balb/c mice in order to get the cDNA to ligated with Eco RI adaptor, as the based of transformation with Escherichia coli XLI-Blue using heat shock technique. Furthermore the clone both of blue and white were electroforated on 1% agarosa gel. The result showed  that the white clone by cDNA insert had higher band than pUC controlled (blue clone) band that did not brought cDNA insert. The conclusion of this research that plasmid identification was successful.