
The Development of Colestvia Model As An Effort of Internalization Character Values in Social Studies Learning

Oleh :
Leo Agung S - 195605151982031005 - Fak. KIP


This research  aimed (1) to develop the COLESTVIA model as a tool to improve the teaching of social science and (2) to test the effectiveness of the COLESTVIA model in the teaching of the subject.  This paper was conducted with research and development approach which consisted of three stages: preliminary studies, model development and model testing. The data were collected through observations, interviews, questioners and documentations. The data collected from the preliminary studies were analyzed using qualitative analysis.  Then, the data collected from the model testing stage were analyzed using quantitative analysis. This research used t-test to measure the different level of effectiveness between teaching using the COLESTVIA model and lecturing model. This research concluded that (1) the COLESTVIA model which was validated by experts and tested in SMP 19 could be implemented in other schools. After being tested in quasi experiment in SMP 2 and SMP AL Muayyad, students who were taught using the COLESTVIA model successfully improved their cognitive and affective skills. They acquired better scores than those taught using the lecturing model. (2) The effectiveness test, which was carried out in SMP 9, SMP 24 and SMP Kristen 1 Surakarta, showed that again, if compared to the lecturing model, the COLESTVIA model more significantly improved the students’ academic skills and strengthen their characters. Thus, it could be concluded that the COLESTVIA model is more effective than the lecturing model.


Keywords: social science learning, learning models, competence, characters and identity