
Pengaruh Atribut Repuasan terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen (Survei pada Pedagang Kaki Lima di Jl. Ir. Sutami, Jebres, Surakarta)

Oleh :
Nuke Ariyanto - xxx - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

The aim of this research is to know whether the satisfaction attribute (price, quality of product, good choice, service and location) influence the consumer loyalty of “hik” (traditional café in solo) and then realize it in repurchase intention and recommend to other consumers. This study also measures the consumer satisfaction level to the merchant of hik. The survey uses 96 samples with 10 objects as research place. The result indicates that all satisfaction have positive significant influence to repurchase intention, while only three attributes (quality of product, service location) has influence to recommend to other constimers. using SERVQUAL method it identified that consumer is satisfied by the price, quality of product good choice, service and location of “hik”.

Keywords: satisfactions, consunter loyalty, repurchase intention