
Evaluation of Management Standard at Special Schools in Central Jawa Indonesia

Oleh :
Arozi Setiawan - xxx - Fak. KIP

Evaluation is used to collect information as a basis for decision making on the recommendations of improvement to what is evaluated. Thisresearch is
aimed to evaluate the management of special school in the Province of Central Java, Indonesia. Theresearch  method that used is evaluation approaches, to assess the extent to which the achievement of anobject  is observed in accordance with the standards of the Minister of National Education Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2007 on Education Management Standards by the Elementary and Secondary Education Unit. The study participants were 5 special schools with different disabilities in several cities in Central Java. Data
were collected using questionnaires to measure 5 aspects: planning, implementation of work plan, monitoring and evaluation, school leadership, and management information system. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that (1) in the aspect of planning was good with the level of achievement in the planning reached> 85%; (2) aspect of implementation of the work plan is good
with achievement level> 80%; (3) aspect of supervision and evaluation are good with
achievement level> 80%; (4) aspect of school leadership is good with achievement level> 80%; (5) aspect of management information system is good with achievement level ? 80%, and (6) the whole school has performed well with average of> 85%, and school D (autism) has done the best management of 5 observed schools with average achievement rate of 98.27%. 
Keywords - Evaluation of School, Management Standards, Special School, Children with special needs