

Developing Online Supplementary Reading Material For Islamic Learners (A Research and Development Study at the Eighth Grade of SMP IT Ar-Raihan Bandarlampung in the Academic Year of 2018/2019)

Oleh :
Hera Nopiyanti - S891702013 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research was a research and development (R&D) which is basically aimed at developing online supplementary reading material for the eighth-grade Islamic students of SMP IT Ar-Raihan Bandarlampung. The 25 students and an English teacher were involved in this research. The researcher employed the procedures: evaluating the quality of existing reading materials, conducting need analysis, developing   supplementary   reading   materials,   conducting   expert   validation, revising the materials, trying out the materials, and revising the materials. The data were gathered through observation, questionnaires, interview, and document analysis. The result of need analysis became the basis of how the researcher developed the supplementary reading material with the scientific approach.  It showed  that  both  teacher and  students  are in  need  of English  supplementary reading  material  relevant  to  schools  characteristics  and  their  major  needs. However, the existing reading material used by the teacher and the students was provided by the core textbook When English Rings a Bell which has general topics, no specification themes for an  Islamic school, and does not meet the students’ need. Therefore, supplementary reading material developed in this research is intended to provide English reading material which can accommodate Islamic  characteristics  and  the  needs  of  the  students.  For  the  purpose,  the materials were adopted and adapted from some Islamic textbooks and Islamic reading websites. The product of this research is four chapters of supplementary reading materials for the eighth-grade students of Islamic junior high school