

Vocabulary Development Process of Hard-of-Hearing Student: Teaching English for Student With Special Needs

Oleh :
Avianita - S891408005 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This study aims at: (1) identifying the problems which the seventh grade hard- of-hearing student has in learning vocabulary. (2) finding out how the English teacher solves the problems of the seventh grade hard-of-hearing student in learning vocabulary.(3) finding out how the home-room teacher solves the problems of the seventh grade hard-of-hearing student in learning vocabulary.(4) finding out how the parents solve the problems of the seventh grade hard-of-hearing student in learning vocabulary.  This  study  was  conducted  at  special  needs  school  in  Indonesia  in
2017/2018 academic year. It is a qualitative research in the form of case study. The subject of this study was a hard-of-hearing student.  The primary data were taken from an interview.
The findings show that: (1) The problems which the seventh grade hard-of- hearing student has in learning vocabulary involved three aspects of vocabulary. They were pronunciation  and  spelling,  aspect  of  meaning:  denotation  and  aspect  of  meaning: meaning relationships. (2) The English teacher had some solutions in solving the problems of the seventh grade hard-of-hearing student in learning vocabulary. They are: giving example how to pronounce English words by opening the mouth properly and pronounce them loudly and clearly,  giving the meaning of English words in mother tongue, pointing the certain things in classroom or things at school, showing certain pictures from cell phone, giving modeling of certain occupation and using flash cards. (3) In solving the problems of the seventh grade hard-of-hearing student in learning vocabulary, the home-room teacher gives suggestions to the English teacher to give repetition in giving pronunciation practice to the student and spelling drilling more often. (4) In solving the problems of the seventh grade hard-of-hearing student in learning vocabulary, the parents tried to find an English course for her daughter.
This study is expected to give some implications. The problems faced by the student will be taken into consideration by the teacher to determine an effective and appropriate teaching technique, strategies, method, approach and materials for hard-of- hearing  students.  The  teacher’s  solution  in  solving  the  student’s  problems  in vocabulary development in learning reading would make the teacher be able to know how to communicate effectively with the hard-of-hearing student. The home-room teacher’s  solution  and  the  parents’  solution  in  solving  student’s  problems  in vocabulary learning will be able to improve the English learning specifically in vocabulary development.