
Pembuatan Game: Cerita Interaktif Anak Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Minat Membaca Menggunakan Unity 3d Game Engine Berbasis Android

Oleh :
Rhezka Mahendra Galih Pratamayoga - M3114120 - Fak. MIPA

Reading are the most essential thing for human. But the low awareness of 
the importance of reading in Indonesian society impacts on one of the surveys that
examines the country's literacy ratings,and the Indonesian nation is among the
lowest. One solution to solve the existing problem is to create an Application  
Interactive Children Story In Order To Increase Reading Interest Using Unity 3D
Game Engine Based Android with the hope to increase interest in reading the
Indonesian community in early age.
To create Interactive Children's Story Application in Order to Increase 
Interest Reading Using Unity 3D Game Engine Based Android must pass several
stages. As the first step that needs to be done is to sketch and then the story line
then proceed with making the Application by using Unity 3D Game Engine.Before
published to the public, the authors need to test this application using the concept
of charging questionnaires addressed to children aged 6 to 11.And then this
application can really be published massively after getting the results of the
research from the application testing questionnaire.
Making Interactive Children's Story In Order To Improve Reading Interest 
Using Unity 3D Game Engine Based Android aims to increase interest in reading
children. In addition, the moral choices and moral messages contained in the
application is expected to be implemented to the users of this Interactive Child
Stories application.

Keyword: Android,Reading,Interactive Children Story,Unity 3D.