

Improving Students Writing Coherence Through Graphic Organizers (A Classroom Actionresearch Ineighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Petanahan in The Academic Year 2016/2017)

Oleh :
Inayatun Nafiah - K2212037 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research  is aimed at finding out: 1) To what extent graphic organizers can  improve  students’  writing  coherence;  2)  How  graphic  organizers  can  be implemented effectively in improving students’ writing coherence. The research method used in this study is classroom action research. The subject of the research was  the  students  of  class  VIIIB  of  a  state  Junior  High  School,  Kebumen  which consist  of  32  students.  In  this  research,  the  collected  data  were  analyzed  using  a qualitative  and  quantitative  technique.The  result  of  the  study  shows  that  the students’ mean score of writing coherence on pre-test is 56.35, then it improves in post-test 1 to 70.45 and 79.4 in post-test 2. Moreover, the result of the study also shows  that  graphic  organizers  can  be  implemented  effectively  if  the  teacher:  (1) gives clear explanation and examples of graphic organizers; (2) guides and monitors the students during the process of writing; (3) provides exercise of grammar; and (4) keeps the students motivated in writing. Considering the result of the study, the researcher suggests that an English teacher had better implement graphic organizers in teaching writing in order to help the students improving their writing coherence.
Keywords :  graphic  organizer,  graphic  organizers,  writing,  writing  coherence, classroom action research