

Black Victim, White Savior: The Construction of Myth of Whiteness in The Blind Side Movie

Oleh :
Nurma Hardiyanti - C0313044 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

2018. Thesis. Faculty of Cultural Studies. Sebelas Maret University. This research spesifically focuses on examining the construction of myth of whiteness in John Lee Hancock’s The Blind Side (2009) through the portrayal of Michael Oher, American football player as a black victim and the Tuohy’s family, the one who adopted Oher, as his white savior. This research has two major objectives: (1) to find out how both African-American and white people are represented in The Blind Side and (2) to find out how myth of whiteness as an important issue is constructed in the movie. This research is a descriptive qualitative research which uses The Blind Side movie as the primary source of data and the secondary data are taken from related film reviews, online documents, journal articles and websites that provide the data needed.   This research was conducted under the framework of American Studies as it employed interdisciplinary study. This research applied theories and approaches to earn the answer of the research questions; Wahneema Luhbiano’s theory about African-American studies to analyze the history of African-American in western’s cultural production and interpretation, film studies by Amy Villarejo to analyze the film and understand the meaning that the film tries to convey with the help of Roland Barthes’ semiotics, especially in finding the myth of whiteness in the film. Steve Garner’ theory of whiteness is also applied to find out how whiteness itself is constructed in the film. The analysis shows that the way blacks are constructed in the movie is through the figurization of Michael Oher as a victim in which he is weak and needing a helping hand to make him strong and Tuohy, as a white rich family is there to be the savior who give exactly what Oher needs in order to achieve his dream.  They construct Tuohy family as an ideal and perfect family which emphasize how much of a white savior film The Blind Side is. 
Keywords: Black Victim, The Blind Side, White Savior Film, Myth of Whiteness i