
Translating Advertisement Text and Offshore Drilling Text from English into Indonesian in Translexi

Oleh :
Nuzzila Yusha - B3115043 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The objectives of this report are to describe (1) the activities done during the internship in Translexi from February 5th to March 10th 2018; (2) translating process of the job; (3) the problems occurred during translating and the elaboration of how to solve them.
There were several activities done during the internship. The main activity was translating advertisement, correspondence business, mechanical, literature, law, and technical text. The most often was translating technical field particularly in offshore drilling text because Translexi had a project that was being worked on from offshore drilling company. The additional activities were editing, and proofreading at once of the offshore drilling project, attending the workshop held by Translexi, and practicing to become an interpreter. There were three steps done in translating i.e. analyzing the text, transferring the message, and restructuring. Problems occurred were translating difficult terms, having eyes and back strain, and connecting to Wi-Fi. The solution done of the first problem was searching the meaning of difficult terms on Concordance tab, dictionary, or Google. The solutions done of the second problem were taking a break and seeing the trees. The solution of the last problem was giving the tethering from the smartphone to the laptop.