
Translating Tourism Brochure of UPT Kawasan Wisata Balekambang of Surakarta From Bahasa Indonesia into English

Oleh :
Rosyana Paradipha H.z. - B3115057 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This final report is written based on the internship program at UPT Kawasan Wisata Balekambang of Surakarta. It started from January 15th 2018 to February 9th 2018. The objective of this report all the internship activities conducted by students in translating tourism brochure of Taman Balekambang. Besides, this final report also contains the elaboration of translating process and finding both the problem and solution in translating the brochure from Indonesia into English. There are three procedures applied when translating the brochure, in order to produce good translation. The procedures were analyzing, transferring, and restructuring. During the translation activity, there were some problems faced dealing with complex sentences, unfamiliar words, determining what tenses to use, and choice of words. I also presented the solution to solve the problems, such as looking for unfamiliar words in the dictionary or internet.