Most of eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Kepil in the academic year of 2015/2016 had problems in writing skill of narrative text. The students had problems in getting ideas, organizing the text, using appropriate vocabulary, creating grammatically correct sentences, and using appropriate mechanics. To overcome the problems, the researcher conducted an action research to teach writing narrative text by using edutainment video game. This study is conducted to reveal (1) the enhancement of students’ ability in writing text by using video game; and (2) classroom situation in which video game applied in writing narrative text class.
The method used in this study is classroom action research. The research is conducted from April 1st until April 27th 2016. Each of the cycles of the research comprises planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. There are quantitative and qualitative data collected in this research. The quantitative data were collected by conducting pre-test and two post-tests, while qualitative data were collected by observing, interviewing, giving questionnaire, and writing field notes.
The findings show that the implementation of video game could bring an enhancement of students’ writing narrative-text ability and classroom situation. The students’ mean score of five aspects of writing skill 1) organization, 2) content, 3) vocabulary, 4) grammar, and 5) mechanics increase. The escalation of classroom situation includes 1) the use of video game could gain students’ attention and focus, 2) trigger them to participate in the class fully, whether to ask or to answer question. The mean score shows advancement from 64.21 in the pre-test, 71.92 in the post-test 1, and 76.21 in the post-test 2.
Key words: writing ability, narrative text, video game