
Making Bilingual Tourist Destinations Leaflet and a Promotional Video of Tourist Destinations at DISBUDPARPORA of Klaten Regency

Oleh :
Anissa Setiawati - B3115007 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya


This final report was written based on my internship activities conducted from 22
January 2018 to 22 February 2018 at DISBUDPARPORA of Klaten Regency. The objective  of  the  final  report  is  to  describe  my  internship  activities  including  the problems and the solutions. My main activity was making a bilingual leaflet and a promotional video of tourist destinations. The problems faced during my internship activities  were lacking  staffs who knew how to  do  graphic  design  by Canva.com, lacking experiences in producing good voice-overs, lacking photos for the promotional video telling about Klaten event calendar, and facing bad weather. The solutions for those problems were teaching the stuff how to use canva, looking for video, searching similar photos, changing the schedule.