
Translation Analysis of Cultural and Technical Terms of Subtitle in The “Fast and Furious Movies 7 – 8”

Oleh :
Mukhriddin Khoshimov - C0314054 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya


The objective of this study is to identify cultural and technical terms of subtitle in the “Fast and Furious Movies 7 – 8”, to identify translation techniques of cultural and technical terms of subtitle in the “Fast and Furious Movies 7 – 8” and to describe translation quality of cultural and technical terms of subtitles in the “Fast and Furious Movies 7 – 8”.

This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study consisted of words and phrases accommodating cultural and technical terms in English as Source Text (ST) and its translation in  Indonesian language as Target Text (TT). The data were collected through content analysis and focus group discussion. The data were then analyzed by using analysis model as proposed by Spradley was used in this study.

The results of this study are as the followings. First, there are 182 data of words and phrases found in the subtitle which consist of: 97 data (53.30%) of cultural term and 85 data (46.70%) of technical term. The study indicates 13 translation techniques including 82 data (45.05%) of Established Equivalent technique, 27 data (14.83%) of Pure Borrowing technique, 23 data (12.64%) of Generalization technique, 15 data (8.24%) of Deletion technique, 12 data (6.59%) of Couplets technique, 7 data (3,85%) of Modulation technique, 5 data (2,75%) of Reduction technique,  3  data  (1.65%)  of  Discursive  Creation  technique,  3  data  (1.65%) of  Literal Translation technique, 2 data (1.10%) of Adaptation technique, 2 data (1.10%) of Particularization technique, 1 data (0.55%) of Explicitation technique, 1 data (0.55%) of Description technique, and 1 data (0.55%) of Implicitation technique. Second, there are 146 data (80.22%) which are accurately translated, 13 data (7.14%) which are considered less accurate, and 23 data (12.64%) which are considered not accurate. Third, on the point of acceptability, 156 data (85,71%) were considered acceptable, 1 data (0.55%) were less acceptable and 24 data (13.74%)  were considered not acceptable. Fourth, the average of translation quality is 2.70 which means that the translation quality is good since it obtains score to fulfill the good criteria and the translation is quite accurate and acceptable.

Keywords : Translation technique, translation quality, cultural term and technical term