
Translating Articles and Web Content at Solo Technopark

Oleh :
Mike Yuliana - C9313042 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This internship report was written based on the internship activities done from 16  October 2017 - 17 November 2017 at Solo Technopark, Surakarta. The objective of this internship report was to explain the internship activities during the internship at Solo Technopark. The internship activities at Solo Technopark were translating web content and articles from Indonesian language into English.
The main activities that the writer did was translating Indonesian articles into English. The difficulties encountered by the writer in doing the main and secondary activities were the difficulties in translating. The strategies the writer did to solve those difficulties were by using online and offline dictionaries, looking for parallel texts and pictures in Google, discussing with the internship patner and asking lecturer to find the appropriate translation.