
Internship Report Translating Journal Articles at Balai Bahasa Jawa Tengah

Oleh :
Agnestiya Purnamasari - B3115003 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya



This final report is written based on the internship program at Balai Bahasa Jawa Tengah. The objective of this report is to describe my internship activities from 15th January to 15th February 2018.
The main activity as an intern was translating journal articles. This final report elaborates the process, the problems and the solutions in translating the journal articles from English into Indonesian and vice versa. During translating the article, I met several problems such as problem of unfamiliar terms, lack of competence and problem in restructuring. The problem can be solved by searching information on the internet, re- reading the translation result and using both English and Indonesian dictionaries. The
additional activities were writing a script of RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia) Semarang and becoming an assistant for the researcher.

Keyword : Translating Journal ,  Balai Bahasa Jawa