This report is written based on internship program at the Cabinet Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia, Central Jakarta. The objective of this report are to describe about the internship activities in the Deputy Assistant of Script and Translation especially in the Translation Sector, to explain about the obstacles experience when translating transcripts, and to describe the strategies to overcome the problems from 8 until 21 January 2018.
This report shows the internship activities done to translate presidential texts, such as transcript, article and letter. Besides, it shows about tasks in the other three sectors. Those are Script Sector, Verbatim Sector and Management and Development of Translator Functional Position Sector.
This report proves that presidential text also has unique difficulties in the content understanding and message translating because it fills state terms. In addition, as the intern who works in this deputy assistant like usual employee, the writer should understand about both Indonesian and English grammar. Then, the writer also needs to take a focus understanding audio text. As the result, the writer translated about six texts during internship program.