
Social criticisms in e.e. cummings’ poems

Oleh :
Niko Fediyanto - C0301043 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Abstrak 2006. Poetry is the oldest form of literature. E.E Cummings is one of the poets than have made a significant influence to the development on the world of poetry. Though Cummings’ poems bring a new genre on poetry development, the subject of social criticism still becomes one of the main concerns in his poems. This research was a descriptive qualitative research and employed library study. The primary data were taken from the lines in six poems in E.E Cummings’ Poems taken from Cummings’ anthology, 50 Poems. They were mortals), if you can’t eat you got to, anyone lived in a pretty how town, love is more thicker than forget, as freedom is a breakfast food, and ( will you teach a. The secondary data were taken from any sources that were beneficial to the study of the poems. The focus of this research had been formulated into two questions: 1.What social criticisms appear in Cummings’s poems? 2. How does Cummings deliver the social criticisms in his poems? To answer the problem statements, Riffaterre’s semiotics of poetry was employed. Both research questions were answered through semiotics of poetry. In the first question, the theory was applied to describe what social criticisms caught by the readers from the two reading stages, heuristics and hermeneutics. The second research question was answered by describing the way Cummings sent the message to the readers’ mind in the frame of semiotics of poetry. There are several social criticisms in Cummings poems. They talk about people’s condition in that era, and Cummings’ disagreement on conventional frame in poetry. Cummings delivers the criticisms through indirect messages, hypograms, and also physical form in his poems