

Experiences Of English Pre-Service Teachers In Remote Areas: A Gateway To Innovative Pedagogical Practices

Oleh :
Febi Puspitasari - S891408018 - Fak. KIP

This study aims: (1) to uncover the ways of teacher in negotiating their teaching in remote areas, (2) to find out the innovative aspects in pedagogicalpractice after the negotiation, and (3)  to  expose  the teacher’s  perceptions  about  the impact  of innovative aspectsinto students engagementinremote areas.This study involved two teachers at Pidie jaya and two teachers at Sumba. It is a narrative study. The primary data were taken from three-month diarydocumentation, questionnaire,and in-depth interview.The  findings  show  that:  (1)  teachers  implement  interpersonal  and  instructional strategies in negotiating their teaching by considering the social and cultural context of  remote  areas,  (2)  the  innovative  aspects  are  principles  of  teachers  in  decision making, negotiated topics, learning objectives and assessments, kinesthetic method and multilingual classroom, (3) the innovative aspects of principles of teachers in decision  making,  negotiated  topics,  learning  objectives  and  assessments  engage students in the aspect of enthusiasm and particiatipation, kinesthetic method engage students in ethusiasm but disengage students in the aspect of task completion time. Meanwhile,    multilingual  classroom  engage  students  to  participate  in  the  class activities but slightly engage students to produce English expressions.This  study  is  expected  to  give  theoritical  and  pedagogical  implications.  It  gives insight to the development of pgrogram of English for EFL students at remote areas. Therefore teachers will get to know the design of teaching activities and materials that is suitable for students based on the special context of their working places at remote areas.
Keywords : Remote areas, EFL students,negotiation of learning, innovation