
The american myth of succes as reflected by John Grisham in his best seller novel ‘The Firm’

Oleh :
Riris Eko Arsanti - C0395009 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRAK This minor thesis discussed about one of American popular literature, that was written by John Grisam. The researcher was interested so much in exploring the American myth of success which was reflected by John Grisham in his novel The Firm. The research took the form of library research that utilizing the descriptive technique. The approaches used in this thesis to analize the main data, Grisham’s The Firm, were sociology and cultural anthropology. These approaches were useful to elaborate and and comprehend the American myth of success phenomenon which was revealed in The Firm. Based on analysis, it was found that the American myth of success hadinspired some characters in the novel (lawyers, law firm and FBI agents) to work hard and realize their dreams. The myth of success had played roles in shaping some of American modern people habit, opinion and way of life. Also it was found that to some people’s opinion myth of success was connoted with the attaining of material objects but not to the others’. Finnally it can be concluded that American myth of success was seen differently by some of American people. It can also be pointed that some of American people applied different way to achieve success.