
Translating News Articles for Solo Technopark Website and Tenants Brochures for IBM CSC Team at Solo Technopark

Oleh :
Bayu Priyambodo - C9313014 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The objective of this internship report is to describe the internship activities that I did at Solo Technopark for about a month from October 2nd to November 3rd 2017 with other one students of English Diploma Program. Besides the description of the activities, this report also contains the elaboration of how I solved the problems that I faced during the internship.
The main activities that I did were translating news articles for Solo Technopark website and translating tenants’ brochures for IBM CSC team. During translating those texts, I found several problems dealing with difficult words related to spelling, diction, and sentence structure. Further, my translations were used to improve the Solo Technopark website with bilingual contents. Besides translating those texts, I also did an additional activity which is guiding and interpreting for IBM CSC team.