
Creating Bilingual Display Caption at Museum Keris Surakarta

Oleh :
Dwiatma Secarvianto - C9313027 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

This report was written based on the internship activities at Museum Keris Surakarta, during 17 February 2018 18 March 2018.
The aim of this report is to explain the activities done during the internship program at Museum Keris Surakarta, the difficulties faced, and exit strategies done.
The main activity of this program is creating bilingual display caption. I did two steps, including making the description in Bahasa Indonesia, and translating the description into English. First of all, I analyzed the text by reading the Source Text to understand what the text is about. After that, I transferred the message in Source Text into Target Text. Finally, I did restructuring step to check the translation and edit it to make it appropriate with the target language, reader, and or listener. In the last step, I corrected the translation by paying attention to the dictions and grammar. I did it together with my instructor. During the internship activities, I faced many problems. The most difficult problem was translating cultural terms in descriptive text. In order to solve the problem, I did some strategies. They were reading some references from books and searching references on the internet.