

The Challenges In Article Writing For Scopus-Indexed Journal : A Narrative Research In Chemistry Graduate Students

Oleh :
Lastika Ary Prihandoko - S891608010 - Fak. KIP

The  existence  of  the  obligation  of  having  an  article  publication  into reputable  international  journals  leads  to  several  challenges  that  must  be  faced. Students  especially  graduate  students  face  various challengesin  writing  articles. This research involves chemistry students who have article publications in Scopus indexed journals and their supervisors. This study is aimed to explorethe challenges faced by chemistry graduate students in writing articles to be published in Scopus indexed journals. The study also features internal and external strategies to address these challenges. The data were analyzed qualitatively by narrative research. The challenges dealt by chemistry  graduate students in writing an article published in Scopus-indexed journals are derived from the processes of article writing (finding topic,   making   an   outline,   organizing   a   paragraph,   paraphrasing,   avoiding plagiarism,  revising,  and  proofreading),  the  elements  of  article  writing  (title, abstract, introduction, result, and discussion), and the other aspects of article writing (finding and keeping information, choosing where to publish, finding fund assist, promoting  confidence  and  time  management,  obtaining  data,  and  submitting problem). The overcoming strategies by chemistry graduate students in writing an article  published  in  Scopus-indexed  journals  are  derived  from  internal  (using creativity,  reading  more  reference  articles,  adjusting  the  outline,  using  google translate, adjusting the scientific vocabularies, taking notes, converting word order, using   free   plagiarism-checker,   adopting   article   pattern,   monitoring   revision progress,  having  discussion  session,  reading  a  draft thoroughly,  understanding article's   chapter   pattern,   searching   from   numerous   journal   publisher,   using Research-gate,  using  paid-articles  opener  website,  using  Elsevier  journals  finder, searching  various  research  fund  grants,  having  log-book,  getting  more  English exposure,   and   adjusting   journal   publisher   requirement)   and  external   factors (initiating the research, holding the discussion, encouraging to read, giving articles, revising  the  outline,  paragraph  checking,  using  Turnitin,  modifying  the  draft, revising by track-changes, using Grammarly, holding the discussion, encouraging to read, reading a draft thoroughly, providing reference articles, determining journal publisher,  providing  research  fund,  monitoring  the  progress,  and  motivating  the participants). This  research  is  expected  to  provide  practical  description  of  the challenges in article writing as well as practical ways to overcome these challenges.
Keywords : international  publication,  academic  writing,  challenges,  overcoming strategies, chemistry graduate student.