
Psycholinguistic Profiling in Used to Analyze The Writing Pattern of Tumblr User with Adhd (Attentiondeficit Hyperactivity Disorder) A Psycholinguistics Approach

Oleh :
Lydia Nanda Saputri - C0314020 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya


This research was conducted in order to discover whether a psycholinguistic profiling could be used in analyzing the writing pattern of an ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder). It was also conducted to discover the writing pattern of ADHD based on their post in social media, Tumblr. The research applied a psycholinguistic approach with the psychological condition and behavior acts as the implement in discovering the writing pattern. This research is used a qualitative research and descriptive research, which applied the purposive sampling technique. The research consists of 111 data from a post by the Tumblr’s user with ADHD. The data were examined based on psycholinguistic profiling theory. After conducting the analysis, the writer finds the result of the analysis as follows: First, the psychological condition and behavioral acts affect the writing pattern in (1) topic of reblogging, (2) repetition use, and (3) negative diction. Second, there are seven writing patterns of ADHD in (1) capital letter use, (2) punctuation use, (3) Familiar words, (4) short text, (5) Action verbs, (6) type of writing, and (7) meme-based post.

Keyword: ADHD, Psycholinguistic profiling, Tumblr