

A Content Analysis Of A Student English Textbook “Bahasa Inggris Sma/Ma/Smk/Mak Kelas Xi Semester I” Based On Scientific Approach Of 2013 Curriculum

Oleh :
Taufik Ahmad Fahrudin - K2212071 - Fak. KIP

This research is aimed to: (1) analyze whether the textbook “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester I” has implemented the scientific approach of 2013 Curriculum or not, (2) analyze the extent of the implementation of scientific approach based on 2013 Curriculum in the textbook “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester I”. The subject of the research is a student English textbook entitled “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester I”. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The researcher uses document in the form textbook of “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester I” as the data source and uses document analysis as the data collection. The technique of analyzing data uses a theory proposed by Elliot and Timulak which comprises: data preparation, delineating and processing meaning units, finding an overall organizing structure for the data, generation of categories, and abstracting the main findings. It is analyzed based on the compatibility of the scientific approach stages of 2013 Curriculum which comprises: observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. The findings of the research are: 11 activities in observing stage, 9 activities in questioning stage, 11 activities in experimenting stage, 4 activities in associating stage, and 3 activities in communicating stage. The result of the research shows that (1) The textbook “Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI Semester I” has applied the scientific approach and (2) The compatibility of scientific approach in the textbook is 73% activities support the scientific approach in Chapter 1 and 27% activities which not support the scientific approach. In Chapter 2, 73% activities support the scientific approach and 27% activities which not support the scientific approach. Then, in Chapter V, 64% activities support the scientific approach and 36% activities which not support the scientific approach. It should pay more attention in the compatibility of the scientific approach through the possible activities
Keywords: textbook, scientific approach, descriptive qualitative