
An analysis of language code used by the cross married couple, banjarese- Javanese ethnic group (a case study in pelaihari regency south Kalimantan)

Oleh :
Supiani - C1304043 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF LANGUAGE CODE USED BY THE CROSS MARRIED COUPLE, BANJARESE- JAVANESE ETHNIC GROUP (A CASE STUDY IN PELAIHARI REGENCY SOUTH KALIMANTAN). English Department Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta. The objectives of the research are to describe the kinds of language code employed by the main participants, to describe the factors influencing the choice of codes, and to show the social meanings of language code. It is a descriptive qualitative research in sociolinguistics field. The source of the data is The Cross Married Couple, Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic Group in Pelaihari Regency South Kalimantan. By using purposive sampling technique, 23 samples were found. The samples were taken from the respondents conducted ethnographic observations in Jorong Sub district and Pelaihari Sub district of Pelaihari Regency. The respondents were three the Cross Married Couple, Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic groups in Jorong Sub district. This Sub district is area of transmigration program and many the Cross Married Couple, Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic groups live and work there. Meanwhile, in Pelaihari Sub district, the respondents were two the Cross Married Couple, Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic groups because this Sub district is only a few the Cross Married Couple, Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic groups live and work there. The data of the research is the discourses about language code phenomena dealing with the Cross Married Couple, Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic group in Pelaihari Regency South Kalimantan. The discourses consist of dialogues between husband- wife, father- son/daughter, mother- son/father, father- aunt, mother- mother-in-law, husband- friend, and wife- friend. The researcher classified them based on the types of codes in its domain and analyzed the use of each code, the factors influencing the choice of codes, and the codes’ social meanings. There are some findings in this research: 1. The use of each code by the main participants in The Cross Married Couple, Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic Group in Pelaihari Regency South Kalimantan based on the types of domain. The codes in The Cross Married Couple Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic Group in Pelaihari Regency South Kalimantan are High Banjarese, Low Banjarese, Ngoko Javanese and Mixed Banjarese+ Javanese+ Indonesian. However, the distribution of codes in every domain is different. In family domain, there are three codes found namely High Banjarese, Low Banjarese, and Mixed Banjarese+ Javanese+ Indonesian. In the data, the old persons to the old persons tend to use low Banjarese when they communicate in their daily’s activities at home. For example, it is used between husband and wife. The old persons to young persons also use low Banjarese when they communicate with their children, and mother-in-law to her-daughter-in-law. For the Javanese participants sometimes mix their speech between Banjarese and Indonesian or Banjarese and Javanese. This code mixing is done by Javanese father/mother to their children, the Javanese grandmother to her grandchild and the Javanese aunt to her niece. While, the young persons to the old persons tend to use high Banjarese. It is used between the children to their parents and daughter-in-law to her mother-in-law. High Banjarese is used by the younger participants or lower status in the family when speaking at home about day-to-day affairs with their parents, grandmother, aunt, or other relatives. On the other hand, Low Banjarese is used by the fellow younger persons or equal status and older persons to younger persons in the family. Code mixing between Banjarese+ Indonesian is chosen by the Javanese participants when they communicate or adapt themselves to other Banjarese participants. In addition, code mixing between Javanese+ Banjarese is also applied by the Javanese participants when they try to socialize or teach their indigenous language to the member of family or relative. While, code switching from Banjarese into Indonesian is used by the participants when there is another participant or relative that has the different ethnic to the speaker or emphasizing a message to the member of family. In neighborhood domain, there are two codes found namely Low Banjarese and mixed between Banjarese+ Javanese+ Indonesian. Low Banjarese is chosen by the participants when they have the same status and the same Banjarese ethnic in their neighborhood. While, code mixing between Banjarese+ Indonesian is applied by the participants when they have the different ethnic and they also try to create a close relation in their communication. Code switching from Javanese into Indonesian is used by the participants when one of the participants wants to emphasize a message or there is a new participant who joins in communicating. In friendship domain, there are three codes found namely High Banjarese, Ngoko Javanese, and mixed between Banjarese+ Javanese+ Indonesian. High Banjarese is applied by one of the participants when he talks to his friend. It is done because his friend has a higher status or an older person than the speaker in making friends. Besides, Ngoko Javanese is applied by the Javanese participants when speaking with the friends that have the same Javanese ethnic and the same status in making friends. While, code mixing between Banjarese+ Indonesian is chosen by one of the participants when he talks to his friend by intending to raise a prestige or his higher position than his friend. Code switching from Banjarese into Indonesian is applied by the participants when there is the external factor or a new participant who is different ethnic. Therefore, the change of language determines situation closer between them. 2. The factors influencing the choice of codes There are six factors influencing the choice of codes in the Cross Married Couple Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic Group in Pelaihari Regency South Kalimantan namely situational factors, the environment (neighborhood), close relationship (friendship), relative status, ethnicity, and finally the length of stay. 3. The codes’ social meanings Each code has its own social meanings. In this research there are four social meanings of each code, namely showing intimacy, showing respect, showing identity, and the last showing solidarity. From the findings, the use of certain codes in the Cross Married Couple Banjarese- Javanese Ethnic Group in Pelaihari Regency South Kalimantan must consider three matters namely code in domains, factors influencing choice of codes, and social meanings of the codes. By considering these three factors, a language user can communicate well.