
Translating Job Description of Offshore Oil Drilling Corporation and Ponyo Song at Translexi

Oleh :
Silvia Sanusi - B3115058 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya


Silvia Sanusi, 2018. Translating Job Description of Offshore Oil Drilling
Corporation and Ponyo Song at Translexi. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University.

This internship report describes the activities I did during my internship program at Translexi, the problem I faced in translating job description of offshore drilling corporation and children song, and the way I solved the problems.

The main activites I did during my internship program were to translate job description of offshore oil drilling corporation and children song from English to Indonesia. The steps I did were analyzing, transferring, and restructuring. The problems I faced during the translation process of job description of offshore drilling corporation were difficulty in translating term, untranslatable word, and gerund. In translating children song, I faced some problems which were related to syllable, onomatopoeia, and rhyme. I use dictionaries, Google, and suggestion from my supervisor to solve the problems.