

Prezi: a Media to Teach Writing Viewed from Students’ Creativity (An Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade of MAN Kota Palangkaraya in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)

Oleh :
Desy Damayanti - S891602007 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

This research aims at establishing wether: (1) Prezi is more effective than PowerPoint to teach writing; (2) the students with high creativity have better writing skill than those who have low creativity; and (3) there is an interaction between teaching media and students’ creativity in teaching writing to the eleventh grade students of MAN Kota Palangkaraya in the academic year of 2017/2018.
This research is an experimental research. The population is the eleventh grade students of MAN Kota Palangkaraya in the academic year of 2017/2018. The samples are two classes. Cluster random sampling is used to get two classes as the sample. Each class was divided into two groups (the students who have high and low creativity). Each class consists of 30 students. The experimental group was treated by using Prezi as the teaching media, while the control group was treated by using PowerPoint as the teaching media. The techniques of collecting data were creativity and writing tests. The data were analyzed by using Multifactor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
Based on the result of the analysis, the findings are: (1) Prezi is more effective than PowerPoint to teach writing; (2) the students having high creativity have better writing skill than those having low creativity; and (3) there is no interaction between teaching media and students’ creativity in teaching writing. In other words, the effectiveness of teaching media is not influenced by the level of students’ creativity in teaching writing at the eleventh grade students of MAN Kota Palangka Raya in the academic year of 2017/2018.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that Prezi is an effective media to teach writing. The difference of students’ creativity level also influences their ability in writing. However, the research also shows that the effect of teaching media does not depend on the students’ creativity. Therefore, it is suggested that: (1) Prezi can be used as media in teaching writing; (2) teacher needs to be able to differentiate the students’ level of creativity in order to give them the best and fair treatment during the process of implementing this media; and (3) other researchers can do further research related to the implementation of Prezi as media in teaching since the number of the researches related to these matters is still limited. They can apply some other variables involving students’ interest, creativity, intelligence, and many others.