
Sex Selection Using Assisted Reproductive Technology: An Islamic Law Perspective

Oleh :
Pujiyono - 197910142003121001 - Fak. Hukum

Abstract: Reproductive technology has helped address the problem
of infertility. Over time, it has been used to select the sex of the foetus.
Foetal sex selection may have medical and non-medical reasons.
Non-medical and societal reasons for sex selection include cultural
preferences for a certain sex and family planning. Medical reasons for
sex selection include the avoidance of sex-linked diseases. Islamic law
allows medically aided sex selection in the case of serious sex-linked
diseases, such as Duchene muscular dystrophy and haemophilia. By
contrast, medically aided sex selection for non-medical reasons is
prohibited. Sex selection through natural methods, such as diet, the
timing of sexual intercourse and the use of chemicals, is allowed.
Keywords: Sex Selection; Assisted Reproductive Technology;
Islamic Law