
Reinforcement of Cooperative Regulation in Dealing with Global Business Penetration

Oleh :
Karmila Sari Sukarno - 197910142003121001 - Fak. Hukum

  • Abstract: This research aims to find out the cooperatives’ competitiveness in society’s social reality, and to find
    out the cooperatives regulation reinforcement model in Indonesia so that cooperatives can have competitiveness
    and show off its existence as the pillar of national economy and can be competitive in dealing with global
    business penetration.
    This study is a normative juridical law research using Statute and Conceptual Approaches. Statute approach is
    intended to study all legislations and regulations related to the legal issues encountered, while Conceptual
    Approach makes the result of study the basis to build legal argumentation used in coping with the legal issue
    The result of research shows that there should be a cooperatives regulation reinforcement leading to the
    cooperatives’ progress in globalization demand, so that cooperatives can survive and develop by holding
    tightly on the nation’s ideological concept referring to the objective of national economic development. To
    achieve such the objective, one attempt the government has taken is to develop obvious and clean regulations
    about cooperatives thereby encouraging the development of cooperatives as the populace economic movement
    undertaken based on kinship and mutual cooperation principles that can realize the cooperatives members’
    wellbeing particularly and contribute to the improved society wellbeing generally, and national economic
    Keywords: Cooperatives, Reinforcement of Regulation, Globalization