
Creating Tourism Booklet and Web Contents for the Department of Education and Culture of Sukoharjo

Oleh :
Jeannette Chrysilla - C9314029 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

The objectives of this report are (1) to describe about the activities that the writer did when doing internship at the Department of Education and Culture of Sukoharjo for a month from 22 January to 22 February 2018, (2) to describe the problems that the writer met during internship and (3) to describe the ways to solve those problems.

There were five activities the writer did when doing her internship in the Department of Education and Culture of Sukoharjo. Including, deciding tourist destinations in Sukoharjo to be involved in booklet and website, visiting and documenting tourist destinations in Sukoharjo, writing the contents of booklet and website in Bahasa Indonesia, translating the web contents, and designing and lay outing the booklet and submitting web contents to IT department. The problems that the writer met during the activities are translating Javanese cultural terms, using unstable Wi-Fi connection, finding the location of the tourist destinations and other technical issues.

The writer solved those problems. The writer searched the meaning of Javanese cultural words on the internet, used internet connection from her own mobile phone, used Google maps to find the location of the tourist destinations, and asked for friends help to deal with technical problems.