Annisaa Konia, 2018. Translating A Brochure, A Pocket Book, and A Story Line from Bahasa Indonesia into English at Keris Nusantara Museum, Surakarta, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University.
This final report was written based on the internship program at Keris
Nusantara Museum. It started on January 8 th, 2018 and lasted on February 8 th,
2018. The objectives of this final report are to describe the process of translating a brochure, a pocket book, and a story line from Bahasa Indonesia into English,
and to find out obstacles and solutions while conducting the internship.
I applied three steps of translation process, such as analyzing, transferring, and restructuring. There were some problems faced while translating, such as lack of knowledge about keris, difficult cultural terms, bad Internet connection, and lack of computer facilities. The solutions of those problems were learning about keris from books and Internet, looking up the difficult words in several dictionaries, asking for help from my friends and my supervisor, using tethering feature from smartphone, and using my own laptop.
Keywords: Internship activities, Keris Nusantara Museum