
Keterkaitan Penggunaan Kontrasepsi Hormonal dengan Kejadian Bakterial Vaginosis

Oleh :
Daniela Ratnani - 197512212005012001 - Fak. Kedokteran

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause of vaginal discharge. It can cause premature, abortus, low birth weight and even increase the risk of having HIV. The use of hormonal contraceptive is thought to correlate with the occurrence of BV. This research aimed to know the relationship between hormonal contraceptive use and bacterial vaginosis in childbearing women age in Surakarta. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Surakarta on June-October 2017. The samples were taken from vaginal swab specimen, which processed by gram staining and checked with Nugent’s. The data was analyzed by bivariable chi-square analysis and multivariable multiple logistic regression analysis. Of 117 women of childbearing age, 72 (64,1%) women of childbearing age have incidents of bacterial vaginosis. The non-use of hormonal contraceptive can increase the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis by 2.5 times. In conclusion, the use of hormonal contraception is related to the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis (OR = 2,500, 95% CI = 1,131-5,624, p = 0,022). 

Keywords: Vaginal discharge, bacterial vaginosis, hormonal contraceptive use.