
The analysis of the shift variations in the translation of the compound nouns in the novel e-love by caroline plaisted translated into kisah cinta pertama lewat internet by Sutanty Lesmana

Oleh :
Ninik Masruroh - C1302035 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRAK The purposes of the research are to find out the category shifts of the English compound nouns in the Source Text (E-Love) translated into the Target Text (Kisah Cinta Pertama Lewat Internet), the accuracy of the meaning of the compound nouns in the Source Text translated into the Target Text and the acceptability of the translation based on the Target Readers. The research belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research are divided into two i.e. primary and secondary. The primary data are the compound nouns in the Source Text (ST) and its translation in the Target Text (TT). There are 31 compound nouns taken by applying the purposive sampling technique method that they are taken based on the certain criteria. The secondary data are the responds of the respondents commenting on the accuracy and the acceptability of the translation. The results indicate that the compound nouns in the ST are translated into various ways in the TT i.e. into the noun phrases (32.26%), into the compound nouns (19.35%), into the noun words (19.35%), into adjectival words (6.45%) and into the adverbial phrase (3.23%). While the compound nouns in the ST borrowed into the TT is 19.35%. The ways how the compound nouns translated pose a category shift including structure shift, unit shift, system shift and class shift. The translation of the compound nouns is considered accurate since the mean score given by the respondents is 3.29 (on the score 1-4; 4 being very accurate, 3 being accurate, 2 being inaccurate and 1 being very inaccurate). This means that the translation conveys all the meanings of the compound nouns transferred into the TT. The translation of the compound noun is acceptable based on the mean-score given i.e. 3.58 (from the score 1-4; 4 being very acceptable, 3 being acceptable, 2 being unacceptable and 1 being very unacceptable). It indicates that the translation is natural and familiar based on the Target Readers.