
Chinese-american women’s existential conscience as reflected in the woman warrior written by maxine hong kingston

Oleh :
Nurmeilowati - C0397045 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa

ABSTRACT Thesis, entitled Chinese-American Woman Existential Conscience as Reflected in the Novel The Woman Warrior Written by Maxine Hong Kinston, is written in purpose of analyzing the facts of women subordination within the novel. And most importantly is to find out the special concept of Chinese-American woman existential conscience which is constructed by the narrator in a high complexity of sexual and racial discriminations. The theoretical approach will be historical approach, sociological approach and feminist literary approach especially of the liberal mainstream. These approaches are relevant to the study, that is to analyze women existential conscience in the historical and cultural context of the Chinese-American society. The main data of the analysis is every data in the novel, which is related to the study, and supported by the information from many other sources, such as books, articles, journals, Internet and also the result of some discussions. Narrator, as the center character of the novel, is the second generation of Chinese immigrant parents in America. In the novel she performs the experiences of her women relatives, including her mother, her two aunts and finally herself. Her rejection to the oppressive patriarchal system has strongly inspired her to reveal the facts of those women relatives’ experiences of women subordination. And the facts are varied; since the sexual harassment, physical raid of women with out of marriage pregnancy, psychological terror, women’s boundaries to play the role of only the domestic affairs, and deeper to the destruction of women’s firm consciousness of their equal existence with men in their society. Those women’s experiences proved that patriarchal system has become a subjugation mechanism of women’s freedom to explore their own individualized identity as human being with the large capacity of everything, which is equal to men. Moreover the fact of racial discrimination has also burdened those women with the more suffering of subordination. Together with Chinese immigrant men, they have to face the economic, social, cultural and political problems in the effort of mingling with the new society. And their incapability of mastering the English language has sent them to the domestic fields or to the low paid jobs, which make them cheaper than the Native Americans and the immigrant men. Challenging the sexual and racial discriminations, the narrator proposes the possibility of women and men’s sameness and equality. She refuses every pattern of discrimination conducted upon her, and at the same time constructs the idealization of being a woman. Through the Chinese legend of Fa Mu Lan she performs that women own the same and equal capability of rational thought and public achievements. Women exist as the same and equal human being to men. And narrator’s dialectical thought on women existence also sets high appreciation on femininity as the means of women’s struggle to construct women and men equality. Finally, narrator’s concept of women existential conscience lies on her desire of women’s realization of their free, active, autonomous and subjective individuality, while the feminine or masculine aspects are both the legitimate modes of being human.